China Modern Dairy
Stock Code:01117.HK
Stock Abbreviation:CH MODERN D (1117)
Company Name(Chinese):中国现代牧业控股有限企业
Company Name (English):China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd
Business Scope:The principal activity of the Company is investment holding and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in production and sales of milk.
Category:Dairy industry
Registered Address:Maples Corporate Services Limited. PO Box 309, Ugland House Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands
Office Address:Suites 801-2, 8/F, COFCO Tower, 262 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Chairman :Mr. Lu Minfang
Executive Directors:Ms. Gao Lina, Mr. Han Chunlin
Non-Executive Directors:Mr. Lu Minfang, Mr. Julian Wolhardt Juul, Mr. Zhang Ping, Mr. Wen Yongping
Independent Non-Executive Directors:Mr. Li Shengli, Mr. Lee Kong Wai Conway, Mr. Kang Yan
Chief Financial Officer:Mr. Dong Xianli
Company Secretary:Mr. Li Kwok Fat
Tel:(852) 2850-6252
Fax:(852) 2851-6980
Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office:Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Principal Bankers:Agricultural Development Bank of China Maanshan Branch, China Construction Bank Maanshan Branch, Bank of Communication Maanshan Branch, Citibank N.A. Hong Kong
Solicitor:Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton (Hong Kong)