
China Modern Dairy

Stock Code01117.HK

Stock AbbreviationCH MODERN D (1117)

Company Name(Chinese)中国现代牧业控股有限企业

Company Name (English)China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd

Business ScopeThe principal activity of the Company is investment holding and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in production and sales of milk.

CategoryDairy industry

Registered AddressMaples Corporate Services Limited. PO Box 309, Ugland House Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

Office AddressSuites 801-2, 8/F, COFCO Tower, 262 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Chairman Mr. Lu Minfang

Executive DirectorsMs. Gao Lina, Mr. Han Chunlin

Non-Executive DirectorsMr. Lu Minfang, Mr. Julian Wolhardt Juul, Mr. Zhang Ping, Mr. Wen Yongping

Independent Non-Executive DirectorsMr. Li Shengli, Mr. Lee Kong Wai Conway, Mr. Kang Yan

Chief Financial OfficerMr. Dong Xianli

Company SecretaryMr. Li Kwok Fat

Tel(852) 2850-6252

Fax(852) 2851-6980



Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer OfficeComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

Principal BankersAgricultural Development Bank of China Maanshan Branch, China Construction Bank Maanshan Branch, Bank of Communication Maanshan Branch, Citibank N.A. Hong Kong

SolicitorCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton (Hong Kong)

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